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A Tour de Force of Environmental Ceramics at LettsRetreat's Mamhead Park

LettsRetreat's Exeter estate retreat features architecture, art and Capability Brown gardens

Chris Speyer, one of the UK’s leading environmental ceramicist’s, has an extraordinary collection of mixed media sculptures in the Capability Brown gardens at Exeter’s Mamhead Park.

Chris Speyer’s abstract ceramic sculptures in the rewilding park

This unique collection of Speyer’s works include massive abstract clay sculptures and aboriginal imagined wood and ceramic artworks that point to sweeping views across the Devon landscape out to the sea.

Almost aboriginal wood and ceramic artworks

The video at the top of the post reveals Chris’s indoor display in the Sheds called ‘EARTH WORKS’ which is a stunning fusion of clay and wood narrating the importance of soil, nature and artist.

Chris Speyer in the Sheds at Mamhead Park

Book a visit and experience the magic of Speyer’s eco art and Mamhead Park’s rewilded gardens via Devon Sculpture Park.

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Sculpture Park
Explore the world of open-air art with us. Inspired by Devon Sculpture Park, art features widely at LettsRetreats.